MaGarderie Plus: Emergency contacts MaGarderie Plus: Emergency contacts

Our kindergarten application MaGarderie Plus now includes an efficient way to access parent contacts. This information is easily accessible and compatible with mobile devices. You can search for details using either the child's or parent's name, and there's also an option to filter by the child's group for added convenience.

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Test replacement Test replacement

In one of our client's applications, we have introduced the ability to modify a test within the working program even after the test data has been entered. This provides flexibility in maintaining records and allows for test adjustments in case their initial definition proves to be incorrect at the beginning of the research.

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MaGarderie Plus: EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) MaGarderie Plus: EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

We have recently introduced a significant update to our daycare application. The new feature, known as EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), offers users unique capabilities to streamline and simplify processes. Now, you can create EFT files directly within our application and instantly transmit them to your bank.

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MaGarderie Plus: Mass emailing MaGarderie Plus: Mass emailing

Another valuable function for kindergarten administration. Send electronic messages to parents through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. For added convenience, you can apply filters by group or individual child.

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