Version: 6.4.16
What's new:

1. fix(e8-grid): made `totalCount` optional for URL source types; 2. fix: resolved an issue with the blank signature save URL; 3. fix: fixed filters and sorting in trigger list; 4. feat(server-js): added support for the `instanceof` operator; 5. refactor(server-js): separated global objects (Error, URL and URLSearchParams) and their constructor instances into distinct classes; 6. feat(server-js): added possibility to instantiate URLSearchParams; 7. feat: added website link to footer in default email layout; 8. fix: fixed signature validation rule when saving email accounts; 9. chore: updated GoSign.Online endpoints; 10. feat: extended settings to customize editable fields in users' profiles; 11. chore: optimized getting of stats for the right sidebar in object forms; 12. fix: restored the ability to drag the right sidebar toggler; 13. fix: the control panel menu will not be displayed to non-admin users; 14. refactor: redesigned communication with mobile app; 15. feat(server-js): automatically include `Expires` and `Last-Modified` headers in all responses when sending files via the $response; 16. feat(server-js): added method `sendPdfPageAsImage` to $response; 17. fix: fixed getting a mobile app version for old apps; 18. fix(server-js): disabled image size reduction to preserve transparent backgrounds in the $pdf plugin; 19. feat: added e8-form-password component; 20. feat(server-js): added `convert` method to the plugin $files; 21. chore(server-js): clarified autocompletion for $validator; 22. fix: disabled image size reduction to preserve transparent backgrounds in print forms; 23. feat(server-js): added `extractText` and `extractTextFields` methods to the $pdf plugin; 24. feat: added `autoPlaceFields`, `getNotificationSettings`, and `updateNotificationSettings` to the $goSign plugin (client and server); 25. feat: added password policy; 26. chore: PHP 8.1 compatibility; 27. chore: PHP 8.1 compatibility; 28. feat: forced to check valid PDF files by content for $pdf plugin; 29. fix: fixed password recovery for mobile apps; 30. fix: fixed reactivity after dragging rows in e8-form-table; 31. feat: added `openExternalLink` method to $mediaDevices plugin; 32. feat(e8-form-table): added `Filter match type` property with ALL (=AND) and ANY(=OR) options; 33. feat(e8-form-table): added `row` and `index` parameters to `on-row-delete` handler; 34. fix(e8-form-time-picker): fixed manual input of values; 35. feat(e8-table): added `Height` property; 36. feat(e8-grid): canceled active fetch requests before destroy, prevented duplicate fetch requests on initialization; 37. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed attribute population from search string on creation; 38. feat: added `login-mobile-app` page type; 39. fix: setting `New tab` in actions did not work as expected; 40. fix: fixed autocomplete for server modules; 41. feat: added setting `Allow NULL values` for Time attributes; 42. feat(e8-form-time-picker): added `Clearable` property; 43. chore: replaced icons `x` with `x-lg` for Clear buttons; 44. fix: fixed password validation; 45. refactor: extracted endpoints for page customization to the separate controller; 46. fix: hid inline attachments in outgoing emails; 47. fix: fixed password recovery for mobile apps; 48. fix: fixed reactivity after dragging rows in e8-form-table; 49. feat: added `openExternalLink` method to $mediaDevices plugin; 50. feat(e8-form-table): added `Filter match type` property with ALL (=AND) and ANY(=OR) options; 51. feat(e8-form-table): added `row` and `index` parameters to `on-row-delete` handler; 52. fix(e8-form-time-picker): fixed manual input of values; 53. feat(e8-table): added `Height` property; 54. feat(e8-grid): canceled active fetch requests before destroy, prevented duplicate fetch requests on initialization; 55. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed attribute population from search string on creation; 56. feat: added `login-mobile-app` page type; 57. fix: setting `New tab` in actions did not work as expected; 58. fix: fixed autocomplete for server modules; 59. feat: added setting `Allow NULL values` for Time attributes; 60. feat(e8-form-time-picker): added `Clearable` property; 61. chore: replaced icons `x` with `x-lg` for Clear buttons; 62. fix: fixed password validation; 63. refactor: extracted endpoints for page customization to the separate controller; 64. fix: hid inline attachments in outgoing emails; 65. fix($query): removed typecasting to time for `SEC_TO_TIME` function; 66. fix($query): removed typecasting to time for `SEC_TO_TIME` function; 67. fix(e8-form-table): fixed reactivity issues with asynchronous value assignments; 68. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed fetching data for raw-queries and data providers; 69. fix(e8-form-table): fixed reactivity issues with asynchronous value assignments; 70. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed fetching data for raw-queries and data providers; 71. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed adding filters; 72. fix(e8-form-lookup): fixed adding filters; 73. fix: fixed default values for Text DB-columns; 74. chore: added loading default DB-values for new tabular input rows; 75. chore(e8-form-table): changed default value to NULL for time attributes with 'Allow NULL' setting; 76. fix: fixed default values for Text DB-columns; 77. chore: added loading default DB-values for new tabular input rows; 78. chore(e8-form-table): changed default value to NULL for time attributes with 'Allow NULL' setting.


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