Skills Driving : Driving School Management System

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Skills Driving : Driving School Management System

This customer story has been submitted by BelcaSoft International Corporation.

Cutting Edge Driver's Training and Fleet Safety Solutions

Established in 2004, the company was launched in response to the alarming number of teenage drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle incidents. By focusing on hands-on, real-world training rather than traditional classroom instruction, Skills Driving offers students invaluable cause-and-effect driving experiences. Recognizing a parallel skills gap in corporate fleet drivers, the team broadened their services to cater to businesses. Each enterprise has unique challenges associated with driver safety, and the company crafts flexible, bespoke solutions to meet these individual requirements. The team of globally-based, multilingual instructors come from diverse professional driving backgrounds, ensuring a range of teaching approaches that cater to different learning styles, making Skills Driving as distinct leaders in the industry.

Embracing Digital Transformation

As Skills Driving's operations expanded, the limitations of the traditional methods became clear. As the number of clients, courses, and instructors grew, the need for a more agile and feature-rich platform became apparent. They wanted a system that would not only address their current needs but also be scalable to support their future growth.

That's where the Every8.Cloud Platform entered the narrative. The platform didn't merely meet their expectations – it exceeded them. The platform proved to be the perfect solution, with the implementation partner playing a pivotal role. The real heroes of this transformation, however, were the Skills Driving team. Their deep business insight and clear vision transformed the project into an exciting journey.

Beyond just streamlining course planning and management – which includes bookings, instructor assignments, waivers, participant registration, evaluations, and certificates – a specialized mobile app was developed for instructors. This app empowered them to perform all their operations on-the-go. Later, an external calendar for course registration was introduced, making it even easier for users.

Looking for Skills training? Just let Skills Driving know where, and they have you covered!

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