Text Messaging Service – Communicate in Real-time

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Text Messaging Service – Communicate in Real-time

Most businesses have a misconception that email is the best medium to reach out to their customers. According to a recent survey, an average office worker receives approximately 121 emails per day, about 15 emails per hour. On the contrary, recent research has indicated that 90% of text messages are opened and read within three minutes of delivery, which reveals its capabilities and making it a powerful communication tool.

The above statistics certainly made us put our thinking caps on. Moreover, we also felt our clients needed a powerful tool for effective communication. After much brainstorming, discussion, and creative ideas, we decided to develop and launch an impressive text messaging service on Every8.Cloud platform. By availing this service businesses can easily communicate with their customers to improve customer retention, nurture leads, solve problems, and make communication real.

Why Text Messaging Service?

We are sure the above numbers made you think that text messaging can be an effective communication tool for companies of varying sizes, from start-ups, small businesses to established companies. The general perception among business owners is that messaging services are way too expensive to implement, and integrating these within your existing applications can be a challenge.

Few companies still employ mobile devices to send and receive text messages. Although it might sound a cost-effective approach to managing your correspondence, it can often lead to communication, transparency, and data management issues. You need to retrieve an important message from your customer, but the device is with your employee who is off from work or not immediately accessible, sounds stressful? Now, imagine if the same information is available right from your business app, how much time and effort this would have saved?

Powerful Communication Tool

With Every8.Cloud’s text messaging service, you can easily send text messages to your customers, employees, groups, and much more. The service is designed to provide seamless access to all your messages, contacts, and information anywhere, anytime using a desktop, mobile app, or a web browser. For a starting fee of $40 per month, you can start using our service and start communicating with your customers in a personalized manner. We have simplified the entire process right from installation to integration by eliminating technical complexities. In less than one hour, we will ensure that you will be up and running to send your first text message.

Every8.Cloud’s Text Messaging Service

Our text messaging service is easy to use when compared with other service providers. Here’s a quick comparison to provide clarity and show you the benefits of our text messaging service:


Market Vendors

  • Get up and running in less than one hour or less
  • Set up process can be complicated and can take up to 24 hours to a few days to get started
  • You can start utilizing our text messaging service for less than $40 per month without any setup or integration costs
  • Mostly providers additionally charge a onetime setup/integration fee.
  • Hassle-free cancellation – If you don’t like our services, you can easily cancel our services within three months
  • It depends on the type of billing (monthly/annual), and it is vendor-specific
  • No Integration Issues – If you are already using Every8.Cloud business apps, you can start using the text messaging service from your existing app without the need to login to other systems.
  • The integration and configuration aspects can be challenging. Your software developers will have to coordinate with the vendor’s helpdesk to resolve and configure the system to integrate with your system
  • Omni-channel Communication – Since the text messaging service is part of Every8.Cloud ecosystem, it easily interacts with your other apps and enabling you to provide your customers with an integrated customer experience using an Omni-channel strategy
  • Lack of integration with your existing system can lead to inconsistency and result in poor customer experience


Industries and Text Messaging Services Adoption

Businesses across industries are using text messaging services to provide customer support, sales support, appointments, alerts, promotions – The possibilities are endless. Here’s how some industries are using text messaging services:

Logistics and Transportation – Alert customers on the arrival of their shipments and dispatch of goods. Keep your truck drivers in the loop by creating groups and relay important communication.

Law Firms – Remind clients about upcoming court hearings, scheduling appointments, keep them informed about upcoming.

Real Estate Companies – Send real-time communication about new properties, receive instant responses, keep buyers updated upcoming ventures.

Hospitals & Medical Centers – Schedule and confirm appointments, send alerts to reduce no shows and last-minute cancellations. Use it for internal communication with doctors/nurses to send important alerts.

Schools and Childcare Centers – Keep parents informed about attendance, changes in the school schedule, upcoming events.

Auto Dealers – Offer promotions, deals, and schedule service alerts and reminders.

Features Snapshot

  • A unified (Omni-channel) platform for all your business communication
  • 100% cloud-based giving you the flexibility of using it anywhere, anytime
  • Dedicated numbers to send and receive messages
  • Group customers based on your business requirement - Send custom messages and track responses
  • Intuitive user interface for a seamless user experience

Ready to get started?

To start using our service, you don’t have to go through the cumbersome process of signing-up with an external vendor and then ask your development team to integrate it with your system, making the process complex. If you’re wondering how Every8.Cloud’s text messaging service can change the way you communicate with your customers, contact us today!

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