Have it Your Way!

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Have it Your Way!

Have it Your Way 

Ever feel like a prisoner of standardized software platforms, and the “best practices” that are bounded by each? Do you find yourself considering a “go-to” solution for one business operation only to encounter a problem: you’ve adopted software for one activity, but need to find an entirely different platform for another part of your business.


Which solution do you choose?


In order for your operation to run seamlessly, and all departments, simultaneously and connected, you need to consolidate your operations. Forward-thinking companies have realized that business process transformation is necessary. And, what have they done? They have adopted ONE solution. But, one that is affordable, and customizable.


Read on.


One of two things may have happened. You have adopted a particular software because a new employee has vouched that it had worked for his previous company. Or, you have spoken to a business partner or a client, and they said: go with THAT one!


And, so, you’ve adopted a system for operations, one for accounting, another for employee management, and so forth. Now you are dealing with 3+ disparate systems. You’re all over the place. You’re juggling multiple platforms for each one of your business processes, stuck with a web of solutions that are leaving you stressed, pressured, and, frankly - confused.


You have so much “fantastic” software, but, it’s just that: you have so much of it!


This is scenario one. Scenario two goes something like this.


You have chosen one solution for all your business processes. But, it’s a static solution. It leaves you in the confines of its capabilities. For example, you are a trucking company, and your safety manager needs to have a bird’s-eye view of all processes that have to do with dispatching; he needs to manage the entire operation. But, with the solution, he doesn’t have access to all the moving parts. He can manage maintenance reports for insurance data and altercations with authorities, but the platform isn’t robust enough to let him effectively coordinate, obtain, ship, and receive loads.


The same system is also being used for accounting, but the accounting team has to go into an entirely different part of the software to pull up timesheets.


You’re left with a system that you have paid for handsomely, but it isn’t sculpted to your business.


So, what to do?


The right platform is a customizable solution that works just as your business does - it is tailor-made for your business.


Think of it like this.


You go to Burger King. What do they say… Have it Your Way, right? And, that’s exactly what you do. You choose if you would like mustered, mayonnaise.. Perhaps you don’t want tomatoes, (how can you not want tomatoes??) you want onions, too. And, pickles. And, so, you have created your own burger - everything you want is in it, and, what you don’t want is out. Same goes for Subway. YOU choose what you want on your sub.


An effective IT system works just like this. It is customizable, and affordable. Are you paying an arm and a leg for a Burger King burger? No. AND, you’re getting exactly what you want.


Choosing an out-of-budget IT solution often means paying money for something that the smart guys in Silicon Valley put together, with a “stamp” of approval… placing a hefty price tag on the product. Do they know better? Have they created something truly spectacular? They make you believe that they have, but, when you go with Burger King, you get the burger you asked for, and you’re paying a reasonable price for it.


Enter Every8.Cloud.


Every8.Cloud is not build as a final product. The framework is there, but it is flexible. There are best practices on how to use the system as it pertains to your business - not within the limitations of an out-of-box solution. The best practices are applied and mended to fit your specific business, and as your business matures, it does, too. The software isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution. It is a tool that works with your operation, giving you the power to make it work for YOU.


This is where the competitive advantage lays. 


Forward-thinking companies have realized that there is no need to adopt fancy software. Nor is there a need to adopt several “solutions” for different processes. They have realized that a customizable, affordable solution does exist. Every8.Cloud is just that. 


It’s time to take control of your business. What would you like on your burger? 

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