Outdated Version of Data
Updated on Sep 23, 2022 2 minutes to readWhat Does Outdated Version of Data Mean?
Consider you have multiple users working with the same list of clients. One of them opens a client to modify a phone number, while another one may open the same client to modify the limit of credit. To ensure the integrity of the data, the client is treated as an indivisible instance. This means that both users will not be able to save their corresponding changes. In fact, the first user who attempts to save the item, will be able to do it, the second user will receive a message ‘Error while saving the object, outdated version of data. Refresh the page to update the data’. Otherwise, if the platform allows to save the item for both, the second user would overwrite the changes of the first user.

If the Audit Log feature is enabled for a data object and your access level allows you to consult it, you can see which user made the last transaction that caused this error.
This example describes the most obvious situation and the importance of data versioning control. These two users are usually represented by the same user attempting to modify the same item in two different tabs or browsers.
When you get this message, check if you already have this item opened, close and reopen the object form to actualize the data.